Enlightening Minds

Explore the Transformative Power of Lucia N°03

The Lucia N°03 is a stroboscopic light machine that uses flickering light as a gentle form of brain entrainment while creating a profound visual journey to the inner consciousness of the user. Benefits include; deep nervous system relaxation, inner peace, an increased sense of emotional stability and access to brainwave states that would normally take years of meditation practice to achieve.

How it works

Discover Your True Self

When we relax and reset our nervous systems, we remember who we truly are. The Lucia N°03 is a powerful tool for coming home to our true nature and embodying our highest expressions. As with any tool, it is not an end but a beginning. The integration of the Lucia experiences through programs (including supplemental practices such as meditation, breathwork, etc) and ultimately a new way of approaching life lead to full embodiment.

We fulfill this mission through our 1:1 coaching, and in-person group trainings. We also offer a limited amount of Lucia N°03 sessions personally and access to a network of qualified and compassionate spaceholders.